


Client Stories

Client Stories

Client Stories

Client Stories


Testing prices for a new product

Testing prices for a new product

Testing prices for a new product

Testing prices for a new product

Jan 2, 2023

Movie Trailers

Perfecting movie trailers with Swayable

Perfecting movie trailers with Swayable

Perfecting movie trailers with Swayable

Perfecting movie trailers with Swayable

Feb 2, 2023

TV Ads

Optimizing TV ads with Truff Hot Sauce

Optimizing TV ads with Truff Hot Sauce

Optimizing TV ads with Truff Hot Sauce

Optimizing TV ads with Truff Hot Sauce

Mar 11, 2022


Winning Cannes and Effies with SS+K and Visit Iceland

Winning Cannes and Effies with SS+K and Visit Iceland

Winning Cannes and Effies with SS+K and Visit Iceland

Winning Cannes and Effies with SS+K and Visit Iceland

May 5, 2023


Boosting in-store sales with Thomas' English Muffins

Boosting in-store sales with Thomas' English Muffins

Boosting in-store sales with Thomas' English Muffins

Boosting in-store sales with Thomas' English Muffins

May 18, 2023


Driving Brand Lift with Health-Ade Kombucha

Driving Brand Lift with Health-Ade Kombucha

Driving Brand Lift with Health-Ade Kombucha

Driving Brand Lift with Health-Ade Kombucha

Jun 5, 2023

Ready to test your creative?

Ready to test your creative?

Ready to test your creative?

Ready to test your creative?

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